Town Database
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    This is a database of all the towns, areas, settlements, that's on the map (on the front page), as well as the ones not connected to our roads yet.  As time goes by, we'll do our best to replace the "?s" with data.  Also, once the basic road networks are done, we'll begin with rails and rivers, then subways will be last.  Other transportation might include monorails, underground tunnels, or above ground walkways, aka "Sky Lanes".  If there is a link on the settlements name, you can click it to go to their web site if they have one.  If you click on "yes" on the included teleport column, you'll be teleported to the settlement.  If it doesn't work, click here.  If it says no, and you'd still like to get there, you can find it on
    Also note that the chance of the owners changing their name is great, so I have included their citizen number just in case.

Quadrant Database Map Manager Manager's Citizen Number
Southeast Observe View SW Comit 297649
Southwest Observe View Goober King 103935